Other Interests

Besides my passion for real estate I also have, as many know a passion for sports and am involved in both the local Rugby Association and Boxing. I in fact am the President for the Stompers Rugby team and extremely active within the local and foreign boxing scene. Besides a firm believer that one must be active in life, and sports is an important part of it, I also believe that we must be aware of what surrounds us and that we may not all be as fortunate in life which is why together with the Franchise owners within RE/MAX Malta have we set out to give back to the community by creating RE/MAX and friends a charity we are very proud to have.

Although we do not restrict our sponsorships or favour one particular local charity, I must say the majority of funds collected are put towards charitable institutions concerning children. And given my background in sports I have managed to tie in a number of events into charitable events such as was the last Boxing event organised by the Malta Boxing Federation held in September 2015 and the Malta Sports Day event. What better way is there to promote charity by promoting and supporting local sports.

Other areas of interest non related to charities and sports are being an active participant and organiser of local business initiatives which are designed to bring more business towards our shores such as the upcoming MIGS conference, the I Gaming social events which are designed to bring together the local key gaming people and local service providers hence promoting the idea of social networking.

Keep posted for our upcoming events